Mandate & Vision
Chapter 16 of the Umbrella Final Agreement provides the Yukon Fish and Wildlife Management Board with a specific mandate and responsibilities with respect to fish and wildlife conservation and management in the Yukon.
(Ch. 16, Yukon Final Agreements)
16.7 A Fish and Wildlife Management Board shall be established as the primary instrument of Fish and Wildlife Management in the Yukon.
16.7.11 The Board, acting in the public interest and consistent with this chapter and taking into consideration all relevant factors including recommendations of the Councils, may make recommendations to the Minister, to Yukon First Nations and the Councils, on all matters related to Fish and Wildlife management, Legislation, research, policies, and programs.
Vision Statement
“We will be the primary instrument
that promotes sustainability
and stewardship in the management
of fish, wildlife, and habitat
on behalf of all Yukon people.”
Message from the Chair
My time as Chair of the Board is nearing an end, but it has been a pleasure serving the public and looking after the future of Yukon’s fish and wildlife.
Despite the lingering pandemic, we have accomplished much over the last few years. For me, one of the highlights has been seeing the Board reclaim its responsibility as the “primary instrument of fish and wildlife management” in the Yukon.
Another initiative I am proud to have led is realigning our efforts more closely with First Nations governments, both settled and unsettled. We’re also improving our working relationship with the Department of Environment, Renewable Resources Councils, Yukon Salmon Sub-Committee, and the Yukon public.
Finally, the Board is taking an inclusive approach towards bringing the Yukon Wildlife Act into conformity with the First Nation Final Agreements by working closely with the Department of Environment, First Nations, and Renewable Resources Councils. This effort is one of our four strategic goals for 2020-2025.
It’s a big undertaking to open an Act for amendment, but we are making strides. This endeavour is a strong example of the type of collaboration and integration we’re working so hard to achieve as a Board.
Carl Sidney,