Management Plans
Management plans lay the foundation for fish and wildlife conservation in the Yukon.
These plans outline goals, objectives, and measurable actions needed to help protect species that may be at risk. Be it from human development, climate change, natural disaster, or over-harvesting.
They should also capture, highlight, and celebrate the relationship between Yukon First Nations and their Traditional Territory and ways of knowing.
Chapter 16 of the Umbrella Final Agreement (UFA) gives the Board the authority to make recommendations to the Minister about the need for, content, and timing of fish and wildlife management plans.
Particularly, management plans for species that have international agreements, are threatened species or populations; or if the Minister has declared them a territorial, national or international interest.
The Board also has the authority to make recommendations on plans relating to Transplanted Populations and Exotic Species (UFA ).
The UFA directs the Board to address fish and wildlife matters at the territorial level. Whereas our partners, the Renewable Resources Councils, are mandated to address issues more specific to their Traditional Territory.
However, the Board can also review and make recommendations to the Minister and First Nations governments on management plans recommended by the Councils. Specifically regarding the population goals and management options contained within those plans (UFA
The Board has a dedicated Working Group that attends to wildlife management plans and associated planning processes for species such as elk, bison, wolves, and most recently, the Grizzly Bear Conservation Plan.
- A Conservation Plan for Grizzly Bears in Yukon
- Conservation Plan for Grizzly Bears in Yukon (Supporting information)
- Management Plan for Elk in Yukon
- Management Plan for the Aishihik Wood Bison Herd in Southwestern Yukon
- Management Plan for the Chisana Caribou Herd
- Management Plan for Yukon Amphibians
- Yukon Wolf Conservation and Management Plan
- Ddhaw Ghro Habitat Protection Area Management Plan
- Devil_s Elbow and Big Island Habitat Protection Areas Management Plan
- Horseshoe Slough Nuna K’óhonete Yédäk Tah’é Habitat Protection Area Management Plan
- Łútsäw Wetland Habitat Protection Area Management Plan
- Mandanna Lake Management Plan
- Ni_iinlii Njik (Fishing Branch) Ecological Reserve _ Settlement Land R-5A _ S-3A1 MANAGEMENT PLAN
- Ni_iinlii Njik (Fishing Branch) Human-Bear Risk Management Plan
- Ni_iinlii Njik (Fishing Branch) Wilderness Preserve and Habitat Protection Area Management Plan
- Old Crow Flats Van Tat K’atr’anahtii Special Management Area Management Plan
- Ta’tla Mun Special Management Area Management Plan
- Tsâwnjik Chu Nordenskiold Habitat Protection Area Management Plan
- Carcross Tagish Traditional Territory Community-based Fish Wildlife Work Plan
- Champagne Aishihik Traditional Territory Community Based Fish Wildlife Work Plan
- Little Salmon Carmacks Traditional Territory Community Based Fish Wildlife Work Plan
- Na Cho Nyak Dun Traditional Territory Community Based Fish Wildlife Work Plan
- Van Tat Gwichin Traditional Territory DEM Community Based Fish Wildlife Work Plan
- Co-management Plan for Grizzly Bears – in the Inuvialuit Settlement Region
- Fortymile Caribou Herd Harvest Management Plan
- Framework for the Management of North Slope muskox – WMACNS
- Harvest Management Plan for the Porcupine Caribou Herd in Canada (Implementation Plan)
- Harvest Management Plan for the Porcupine Caribou Herd in Canada
- Inuvialuit Settlement Region Polar Bear Joint Management Plan
- Management Plan for Dall sheep in the Northern Richardsons Mountains – recommended draft
- Yukon North Slope Muskox Research Plan