Over the past fiscal year, the Carcross/Tagish RRC (C/TRRC) has continued supporting the “Caribou in the Schools” education program. This initiative has been going on for some time now. Elder Interviews were finalized this spring, and the program should be implemented in schools throughout the 2021-2022 school year.

C/TRRC did a fisheries campaign in May and June of 2020. Attending areas like the Lubbock River, Snafu Lake, Tarfu Lake, and Little Atlin Lake to share information with local anglers. Many First Nations and other organizers partnered with C/TFN to support this campaign. Informational posters were produced and displayed around CTFN, TTC, TKC and KDFN Traditional Territories.

We partnered with the Government of Yukon (YG) to develop and produce educational signs at popular fishing spots, including Little Atlin Lake, Carcross, Lewes Lake. These signs will be placed in May and June. C/TRRC also produced fish cleaning tables for various popular fishing spots and boat launches in the Carcross/ Tagish Traditional Territory.

We are pleased to announce that we’ve completed the community-based Fish and Wildlife Work Plan! And we’ve now begun working on implementation measures.

C/TRRC supported and participated in the wolf collaring and tracking program to provide information on wolf numbers, pack ranges, denning sites and diet. This program was initiated in the winter of 2019-2020.

Last but not least, we also supported trappers this season by providing them with wolf snares, trail signs and information about different options for having their furs tanned.

These are just some of the highlights from our past year!

If you’re interested in learning more, please download and read our 2020-2021 Annual Report.